Friday, September 26, 2014

Apple Week

We had so much fun learning about apples this week. We learned about circumference, using a scale, and even conducted a sink or float experiment! The  kids had a blast learning and watching their excited faces was awesome!

Today, we made our own tear art apples to symbolize our fun week. 

Making Applesauce

This week in class we have been learning about all thing apples!! We have had a lot of fun!! Today we decided to make some applesauce.

We cut up apples, added sugar and cinnamon. We cooked our apples for 4 hours!

Mrs. Auburg stirred and smashed the cooked apples. 

We waited and watched. It smelled so delicious and yummy!!

We finally got to taste it!! 

It was soft and so delicious!! Yum Yum!!

It was a little hot! So we had to blow on it. But, it was worth all the work and waiting! 
We loved making applesauce today!!